Azuma Katsuyuki

About The Black Dragon

"Careful what you look for. Some things cannot be so easily forgotten."

RP Hooks

Interested in Azuma? Here's some details about his habits that may be give you an idea how to start.


Some footnotes about Azuma and myself if it interests you.

Age: 32
Gender: Male
Race: Viera - Veena
Sexuality: Gynosexual
Bonding Status: Single
Origin: ???
Alignment: Chaotic Evil

The Rise

The Mitsurugi Bakufu had been long praised in the Age of Blood for the cease to the bloodshed and end of countless deaths in the goal of succession. With the modern era: The Bakufu had been praised for maintaining peace and order. However some had criticized them for their strict isolationist policies and devotes the majority of its attention to internal affairs which some saw began to hinder many as trade had become more restricted and bottlenecked. Some even choosing to forgo Eastern import in Hingashi due to Garlean presence being established. Disdain grew in the common man, especially those whom had relied on important without the security of the Hingan shores, were forced to make business in Yanxia.Emperor Reigen had been a puppet ruler for some time. The Shogunate were the true holders of power. However while many saw the age of peace of the last few thousand years as security, some, especially those high in the ranks did not expect disdain to build. The caste system of the Bafuku did not tend to favor those who were low born. Thus did generations remained placed in the self same social perpetuity. Through this disdain did opportunity grow and thus did one night, dubbed The Night of Black Fire did a force of shinobi and soldiers take the Bakufu hostage. The sole demand to Emperor Reigen was the surrender of Kugane to the new clan of Katsuyuki so that it could stand on its own without the indulgences of a system that kept the low born weak.The one responsible for this was the self proclaimed patriarch of the Katsuyuki clan, Azuma Katsuyuki. It was through this defiance of the current line of succession, the forcing of their submission through brute force, assassinations, black mail and subterfuge did he become known as The Black Dragon of Hingashi.

The Black Dragon of Hingashi

"Eternal greatness exists only within myself."

With the Bakufu bound in an oath of neutrality, Kugane's night life and underworld thrived more than ever before. Lords from rival clans were permitted into Kugane under the strict order that they not incite violence on civilians or Katsuyuki's guard unprovoked or be dealt with accordingly. Various businesses had also began to boon with the increased flow of foreigners into the shores of Hingashi.Azuma had continued to plant the seeds of financial growth into the city and wished to see his position solidified but a bowed head is an easy target. With the rival families growing hungry, jealous and desperate, it is only at matter of time before allies become oath breakers. In the lulling times of "peace", Azuma reserves to enjoy the fruits of his labor in Kugane, often walking the streets at night and attending various venues and recreational locales to pass the time, however it is a rarity that he is able to partake in anything that sways his boredom for more than a few minutes at a time.

The core reason for Azuma's lack of empathy, mania and above all lack of empathy for other's stems from an affliction of mind and spirit. Traumatic events from his past has left him rarely able to trust or to truly let go of his ambitions and merely "live" life.These events have tortured him for years with his mental state coming into question at times. Scarring visions of the world ending in various means like plague, the world bound in inferno, a great cataclysm which shatters the earth into dust. Thousands of visions etched into his mind over twenty years. His dreams of the future had hardened his resolve to create the perfect nation free of despair and strife so it could survive such disasters. However such experiences have pushed him to have a growing disregard for life and love, finding it all finite and worthless.Azuma's ultimate goal stretches far beyond ruling Kugane. His lavish lifestyle and self indulgences are glorified and selfish and does them only out of his fear coupled with the mass of doubt and regret that he feels for being unable to ascertain which visions are true. Albeit he has a "plan" to save his city and those who inhabit it, he has little problem killing and wiping out anyone who stands before him in this regard. Using Kugane, its finances and power position as a stepping stone to avoid extinction.No means of power is off limits. His ambition, determination and desperation seek only to push him beyond means that some find to be "too far."


Azuma is an egotistical, self centred and volatile individual. Both prideful and brutal, he will not hesitate to kill anyone he feels is a threat. His mind comprehends both good and evil; however he is the type who is not bound by the petty constraints of morality, but who calmly works to advance his own agenda. Azuma has been known to be paranoid and in turn has trouble trusting those he first meets and takes precautions against them all. Only those who serve as his Lieutenants have been the closest ones he's been deemed to "trust." Though this alone does not come clear in his words as he often will butter up those he is confident he can use. But to take their words to heart and put belief into them is something he will not do.He truly believes that the path to true happiness lies in shaping the world to your desires and attaining a state that when the world revolves around you, only then you shall know true peace and joy. Azuma is convinced the world shall and will revolve around his life and even if people do not realise it, fate will guide their actions in his interests. Although he is somewhat self aware how crazy it sounds, he understands that a fickle creature like a man cannot comprehend the underlying threads of fate that guide him to that apex. Azuma doesn't view raw strength as power but in fact systematic control to be the way; Control people's thoughts, their beliefs and you control them.Azuma also enjoys 'reading' people. He likes to pick away at their persona and see what their desires lie beneath and in turn bend those desires to seduce them to his employ or to his personal enjoyment

The following info is about both where Azuma acts, how he acts, what he likes and dislikes. I hope you find it informative when looking into him.~

Likes-Bath houses
-Thigh high boots
-Smoking and drinking
-Red (color)
-Quiet locations
-Exotic animals
-Exotic Attire (latex, leather, mesh)

Dislikes-Touchy people
-The daytime
-Hollow compliments
-Those who think they are his equal

Hooks:♢ Bodyguards & Servants: Azuma is seeking only the strongest and loyal to serve at his side. What is your motivation? Mountains of gil, security in your life or are you running from something? He also needs accountants, tailors, advisors and diplomats who are experienced with foreign nations.♢ Rivals or Rival Clans: Those who seek to use Kugane or undermine his efforts.♢ Garlean Empire: Imperials whom are interested in seeking means to bring Imperial Power back to the east (Pre-EW) or reaching out to Kugane to provide support for Garlemald (Post-EW)♢ Ishgardian Nobles: Families who seek to broker business terms. Meeting egotistical or snobby nobles who judge a book by its cover is always a fun dynamic.♢ Arranged Marriage: While the concept may sound a bit fast paced. The idea of a long standing event that starts and slowly leads up to an event that sees conflict between various parties as both are forced into a means to improve the strength of both sides.♢ Open to all ideas: Please approach me with any idea you think will suit the character. There's a lot of flexibility with him.

With regards to his story:
I understand that a single PC running a city like Kugane is a bit meta-gamey, the reality is that Kugane was a great concept that Square Enix never did anything with. The city and the stories and events surrounding it have become abandoned besides Manderville crap. The difference between Ishgard, Sharlyan, Crystarium vs. Kugane is the former 3 serve very important purposes as locations for the MSQ where as Kugane is a stepping stone to Doma in an Expansion which already had identity issues.
Azuma is usually found in the East, specifically Hingashi where he lives, but travels to Eorzea. He has a retreat located in Thanalan.
What I will RP:
♢ Corruption: turning on individual against their original views and beliefs and dragging them into a darker nature, betraying who they used to be
♢ Romance and sexual themes are possible with the right people but compatibility between characters is a must lest we get bored.♢ Conflict is a yes but I don't like something heavily combat focused. Dice rolls can be fun and such but only if scenes are paced correctly.♢ Slice of Life: I like the idea of something dark mixed with the casualness of a slice of life RP.What I won't RP:
♢ Azuma losing or being made to submit: It goes against his core dynamic. Azuma can lose but to suffer a loss he cannot recover from isn't fun.
♢ Adventure: It doesn't suit this character very well to be going out on grand adventures and journeys. His younger self has deal with some "adventure" like scenarios. Ask me about his younger years if you want.I'm also looking for any feedback on my carrd so please DM or /tell me if you have anything you want to let me know!Preferences:
I dislike meek and quiet characters. I have endured it a lot and not a fan. I doesn't bounce off Azuma very well.
While I do RP with male characters, I am extremely picky with them. It's possible, but likely not. This is ultimately due to IRL male players having very poor plot ideas that also lend to veiled OOC sexual provocations. Now I get non-male players play male characters so this is why I am welcoming you to reach out and talk with me. But keep in mind I am rather picky. Again, this is from bad past experiences both from the case of very poor ideas and people being unable to be actual competent people and not gross weirdos.I do have a list for "that" stuff. I will share if requested.


So here's where I will go into some details about myself as well as what I like/won't do that may be important for RP and such. I doubt anything will clash with what you're looking for but I figure I'll put it here regardless.-I am aware the prospect of running all of Kugane is a bit meta-gamey but the fact is SE don't really support or use Kugane much in the story anymore so why not? I tend to reign things in a bit for this character and he's designed for more one-on-one RP as to not be a big chad in a group setting. Coupled with this I am not a lore buff. I am aware there is likely a lot I am getting wrong especially when it comes to location and names of stuff. If you have feedback please let me know!Things that I hear often:
♢ "Is he a vampire?!"
No, his look is inspire by Diavolo from JJBA, Trance Kuja and Japanese Geisha. He's naturally pale and his make up is aetherically painted so it never runs or has to be reapplied. Effectively a magical tattoo.
♢"She looks great!"
He's male. I do find it funny when people think he's a female viera despite the fact he uses no sculpt or face mod. His face is actually vanilla w/ skin tone adjustments and make up,
♢"Can I Gpose with you?"
Absolutely! But I won't send you my stuff until I know you. I'll send you my mare file and code but my base mods aren't given out unless I trust you.
♢ I'm based in EU. I play on NA because I find it more active for what I like. Don't worry, I'm not tied down to any timezone.♢ I prefer RP via discord. I'm not opposed to game. Discord is azumaxiv♢ Azuma appears vastly different on my end than on vanilla client as you may have seen. If you want my Mare let me know.♢ I'd love to put Azuma with some of the NPCs/Canon characters of the MSQ. If this interests you please reach out!♢ I am not against dark or erotic RP but I prefer some story to keep things interesting.♢ I am always happy to plan, spitball ideas and just try and piece things together. If you don't have a concrete idea please reach out.♢ Please however have something I can work with. I don't want to be picky but don't just throw me a vanilla screenshot of your character with "Here they are!" and just say you want to meet my character. Not to be... egotistical but I have had a lot of RP with this character and a lot of the basic ideas from "They meet in a restaurant" to "Their family sold them to him" or such has been covered.♢ I have multiple characters so if you want to see my other guys just say.♢ I have dealt with a lot of nasty people as of late. Although it has not deterred me, I do have less patience for dealing with drama and such. I am always happy to chat and meet new people. Life is busy and I may not reply as fast as I'd like to. But I expect people to treat me with the same respect I treat them. If something is wrong, say so. Communicate. If you're the type to silently let things stew and then ghost, then don't contact me. Save both of us the time.